Monday 6 July 2009

Chinese Riot Police, Muslims Clash in Northwestern City乌鲁木齐发生骚乱

继7月5日下午发生骚乱后,新疆乌鲁木齐市已经宣布部分城区戒严。新疆首府星期天下午五时起发生骚乱,上千名维族示威者同警察发生冲突,至少三人死亡,二十余人受伤,期间交通中断,并有车辆被焚毁。与此同时,乌鲁木齐在线发布的相关新闻被迅速删除。目击者和活动人士说,起初有大约300人为这场罕见的抗议活动而聚集,但人群增加到至少有1千人。 他们说,抗议者是维吾尔族人。维族是一个主要为穆斯林的团体,他们抗议汉族人对他们在政治和文化上的压迫。新华社7月6日凌晨还发布了乌鲁木齐市政府"关于维护社会正常秩序的紧急通告"。"通告"并没有说明该市发生了什么事。只是说"为了维护乌鲁木齐市的正常社会秩序,保障国家机关正常执行公务",自2009年7月6日凌晨1时至8时(北京时间),由公安机关对乌鲁木齐市部分区域实行交通管制,在交通管制区域内,任何车辆不得通行。


From BBC: Three people have been killed and more than 20 injured in violence in the city of Urumqi in China’s restive Xinjiang region, state media says. Xinhua news agency said police had rushed to the city to restore order after demonstrators attacked passers-by and set fire to vehicles. Xinhua did not say how many people were involved or what their motive was. But activists and eyewitnesses said that those involved in the unrest were minority Muslim Uighurs.

From the Los Angeles Times gives more details: The official Xinhua News Agency said rioters were “attacking passersby and setting fire to vehicles,” but representatives for the Uighurs, a Muslim minority, described a peaceful demonstration that turned ugly because of government brutality. Witnesses reported that riot police arrived on the scene in armored personnel carriers, dispersing the crowd with water cannons and tear gas, and firing warning shots into the air. At least 300 people were reported to be arrested. There were unconfirmed reports of deaths and injuries. The protests today were triggered by the June 26 killing of two young Uighur men at a toy factory in Guangdong province. According to Uighur sources, the men were beaten to death by a mob, enraged by false rumors that they had sexually harassed Han women.

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1 comment:

  1. 凭什么就瞧不起我们新疆人?
